lauantai 17. joulukuuta 2011

Frankfurt 2

They were leaving and since I'm so bored I thought I would follow them and stalk a bit. But they went to get a plane to Paris. I stayed here.


I'm killing time at the Frankfurt airport. In front of me there is sitting two men with their sunglasses on (it's rainy). I bet they are celebrities. I'm thinking of a best way to take a photo without them noticing. This afternoon is loooooong.

perjantai 16. joulukuuta 2011


Kind of finished. In all the possible meanings with the word. Tomorrow at this time I'll be in a sauna in Helsinki.

torstai 15. joulukuuta 2011

Top songs of the 90's

When we make food with my Portuguese flatmate (or to be completely honest, he makes the food and I keep him company) we always listen to music. I played him some Finnish music, but more importantly he is finding me some really cool Portuguese songs. But since he hasn't been listening to any music with lyrics since he was a teenager, I'm now listening to the 80's and 90's Portuguese music. Amazing stuff.

I still think this song is the most amazing song I heard for ages (and "tu estás só e eu mais só estou" is a perfect piece of lyrics), but there seems to be a lot of great music from those decades. At some point I will need to find somebody else to share the music of the past 15 years.

maanantai 12. joulukuuta 2011

Santa Claus Parade 2

I told my Portuguese friends that it was too bad that I missed the parade yesterday. They said that I shouldn't worry, I can go there next year. And I realized that yes I can, because I will be here next year (sometimes I forget about that, it's always a nice surprise to remember that). And then I will register to the event and get my name to the Guinness book of world records. And then I'll put that on my CV.


I have a SQL-exam tomorrow. I'm laughing already. Like this: ha ha ha.

sunnuntai 11. joulukuuta 2011

Santa Claus Parade

Would you have guessed, that Porto has the world Guinness record for the largest Santa Claus parade? Last year there was 14,963 Santas walking in the parade dressed up in red and white costumes. They collect money for charity too.

It was today, and I missed it because I didn't know about it, I just saw it in the news after :(

Photos from the last year's parade can be found here:


I went out yesterday and when taking the taxi home I guess my instructions in Portuguese were not so convincing and the driver switched to English. Portuguese people are always very concerned if I like Portugal, and the way they ask it is "do you like Portuguese food?" Of course I do you cute silly taxi driver. I love it. And Porto, too.


The busy week is almost over. And another one ahead. It's crazy to have all the deadlines at the same time, now half of the groupworks are delivered. I still need to finish two, present them, start and finish one and make one exam on Tuesday. I have five days to do all this. Uh.

The highlight of the week was when I was asked if I was Chinese.

keskiviikko 7. joulukuuta 2011

Der Nikolaustag

Today was not only the Independence day of Finland, but also Der Nikolaustag! And look what he brought me, oh happiness!!

tiistai 6. joulukuuta 2011


After 12 hours at the university and walking back in the rain I couldn't be happier to come and discover that my flatmate had prepared me dinner. Every woman should have one man called Claudio at home.

maanantai 5. joulukuuta 2011

Hard Knock Life

It's a bit quiet here in this blog. The reason is that I'm most of the time at the faculty and there is not so much to write about that. Now it's 1am on Monday morning and here I am at home building a mockup of an internet page that we're improving. Who would have thought.

What really worries me is that the Finnish Independence day is on Tuesday and I don't know if I have time to watch the Presiden's party. Please someone, buy me on Wednesday the following papers: Ilta-Sanomat, Iltalehti, MeNaiset and Anna. And other papers with photos of the party. I need to see what the women were wearing.

lauantai 3. joulukuuta 2011


I don't know what this is in Finnish, I can't find a word (well, kivipiira. Never heard but apparently it is a word). In English it's gizzard. It's more or less a stomach of a chicken. Suspicious, but really good.

I have come so far from my picky days when I wouldn't eat the food before I re-organized it so that different coulours wouldn't touch each others. One day maybe I'll learn to like olives, too. But not in the near future.

Engineering woman

I never had to queue for the women's toilet at the University.