perjantai 12. lokakuuta 2012

Lisbon 2

The main purpose of my trip was then the concert of Leonard Cohen. The venue for the concert was a big disappointment: the acoustics were quite terrible. Maybe if I spent more money on my ticket and got a proper seat would have helped :(

Anyway, after I got used to the weird echo, the concert was really, really good. I cannot believe that he is 78 years old - the concert started at 21:15 and ended 01:05.

This clip is from the concert (not mine):

The metros stopped running at 01:00 so I was froced to join the incredible taxi queue outside the concert hall. I was lucky enough to get four middle aged drunken Swedes in the queue behind me. They were constantly complaining about everything: the taxis were not coming fast enough, only one person went to a taxi, the cafeteria didn't have a toilet, everything was ridiculous, with this pace they would be home at 8am....blaah blaah.

Then the strange thing happened: I don't know if it was because I was still so happy about the concert or if my patience is really being affected by Portugal, but I was telling the Swedes to calm down and stop complaining, everything would work out and this is how it sometimes is in Portugal. Apparently I was not too convincing, because after 30 minutes in the queue they gave up hope and took a bus that was going "somewhere else than there". Once they left the taxis started to come and I was amused. The small pleasures of life.

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