lauantai 28. tammikuuta 2012

Porto freaks

I don't know how many freaks there are in Porto, but I'm quite sure I met the majority today. And my most used sentence here "I don't speak Portuguese" doesn't work with them, because they don't seem to mind at all. In the bus I had to listen a 20min monologue from a very strange granny who probably gave me Ebola virus. All I understood was that she was going to the pharmacy.

After the voting I had a walk on the beach, the weather has been amazing here btw. At some point I sat down and during that 15 minutes I had the pleasure to meet two very special people: one guy who was listening to his CD-player (yes, CD) and singing loudly along, sometimes asking me if I recognized the song (not a chance). After he left, a woman sat down next to me, don't know where she escaped from but she also wanted to sing and she also had a lot to say, unfortunatelly I have no idea what that was. I didn't even bother telling her that, I just smiled and thought to myself: "WHY ME?".

Btw, the homeless guy is doing good, he has a friend now. And yesterday I was happy to notice that my favourite hooker is back.

P.S. To be fair, I also met a Finnish guy who was definitely from somewhere outer space.

1 kommentti:

  1. No hö. Olisit nyt käyttäny mahdollisuutesi ja ehdottanu bumtsibumtsia!
