maanantai 17. lokakuuta 2011

Dear Diary

I got a bit lazy with updating this. But here is the summary of the last couple of days:

On Friday I was at the university for 14 hours. I wanted to come home for a nap when I had a break, but we were doing our group assignment all 4 hours. The last hours from 7.30pm to 10.30pm I was just fighting not to fall asleep. This Friday will be the same, plus an additional bonus of a course on Saturday morning at 8am.

On Saturday I went for a swim, and after I had a lovely family dinner with my friend's parents. Another way of preparing cod fish, I think I have now tried 6 out of 365 ways of preparing it. Have to catch up if I want to try all of them. Then I went out, there was some kind of a festival with loads of live music in bars and pubs. Of course I couldn't manage to see any, because all the places were just too crowded. But it was a fun night, we were first in a pub called "once upon a time in Porto" a small place, like somebodys living room with great music that is not too loud and you can actually talk to people. Then we went to a rock bar called "Tenhinda" (I think), in Finnish standards not so rock but a nice place indeed.

On Sunday we had our traditional sushi-party with my flatmates, we are getting so good and they are more and more beautiful each time. Today I had a Portuguese exam. It was easy (well, I'll find out on Thursday when we get the results). We were also practicing pronounciation, this nasal sound that they have, I really can't say it and I just sound like very stupid when I try. Repeat after me: um limão, mil limões, um milhão de limões.

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