perjantai 21. lokakuuta 2011

Good news and a bad one

I got a grade 18 (out of 20) in the Portuguese language test. Go Emilia! And today when we were learning words in portuguese to describe characteristics of people and played a game where you describe a person in the class and the others guess who it is, I was described as "the one who has dark hair, blue eyes and a very big heart". Awwww, so sweet!

And btw yesterday after we had a team meeting of one project (I have four of them ongoing. small time management issues here) we went to eat a proper francesinha (the sandwich with a lot of meat in it, I posted a photo earlier). This one had nothing to do with the first francesinha I had here, this was absolutely delicious. And the place was cool as well, straight from the 60's, a restaurant called Cunha. Strongly recommended. And because I was complaining to my friend that the beers were so small here (2dl), like shots, he ordered me a proper sized beer. I certainly seem happy about it:

The bad news is that one of my flatmates is moving out, which is really sad :( I hope we'll find somebody just as nice as him to live with us.

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