perjantai 28. lokakuuta 2011

I'm being spoilt

Yesterday after a group meeting some of us went to have a dinner. I love when my classmates bring me to places where no tourists ever go. The food was amazing, the sangria was perfect (it was with berries). Then a coffee next to the stormy beach and a ride home. Which was great because it was pouring rain.

Tomorrow we'll go to the weekend trip and I tried to bake a mud cake today. First i found out that we don't have a cake mould, then I spend forever in the supermarket trying to find out what is baking powder in Portuguese, then came home and realized that we don't have a mixer, so I was amassing sugar and eggs by hand, and finally the cake was in the oven for too long. They have better love the cake, I put so much effort in it.

Today when I got home from the language course I had a meal waiting for me, my Portuguese flatmate really is a darling! The same happened on Monday. Codfish number 6 I think. Now I'm full and supposed to study a bit, because I need to deliver an excercise tomorrow.

Around lunchtime I'll head up north where there is no internet, a report will follow next week.

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