keskiviikko 26. lokakuuta 2011

FEUP week 2

This week was supposed to be the lazy week with no classes, but it seems that I'm even busier than normally with studies this week. All week just groupworks and language courses. I'm starting to think that there is only a limited amout of Portugese words that my brain can maintain: today we were learning how to tell the time, and I was thinking for a long time how to conjugate the verb "to be".

Today I got invited to join a weekend trip to Gerês in the north of Portugal. My classmate's grandfather has a big house there and my classmate thought that it would be a nice idea to take the foreigners (me and a guy from Germany) for a weekend-trip. Very very sweet of him. The plan for now is to go there on Friday and come back on Monday. Apparently this area is very nice, so I'm looking forward to the weekend very much!

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