perjantai 14. lokakuuta 2011


After the Portuguese class (and a reminder that we have a test on Monday, which I had completely forgotten) me and my German friend went to a student party where another friend of ours was a DJ. The place is next to our campus, I felt really weird there, we were probably the only foreigners there, we were looking if there was anyone we know but we didn't find anyone (and for some reason everybody was just looking the same to me in their jeans, t-shirts and identical haircuts. I wonder if they all go to the same barber). Well we were enjoing our 50 cent beers and feeling weird with the Portuguese getting crazy with Brazilian music.

Just when I thought it couldn't get any more weird, a guy comes to us and asks me if I'm Finnish. I was wondering since when do I look Finnish? Then he asked if I have a profile in couchsurfing, he said that he just joined couchsurfing and he had seen my profile there. Which is a bit strange, since I don't have a couch here. And in my profile photo I'm not even looking at the camera so he really has been looking through my whole profile. He knew my age and that I moved here a month ago. How creepy. I officially have a local stalker now :S

Well then he disappearred and me and my friend took a taxi back to the centre, my friend was entertaining our taxi driver until his place, and I continued to entertain him for the rest of the trip with my fluent Portuguese. I don't know if we were talking about same things but I was explaining a lot of things to him. Poor man. Too bad I didn't have any pimped Eastern eggs with me to show him (that is my speciality in Helsinki).

I need to be at the faculty in 5 hours. Goodnight.

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