lauantai 1. lokakuuta 2011


This morning I spent running around in supermarkets trying to find stuff for tomorrow's sushi-evening. Me and another Finnish girl are cooking for my flatmates because they keep feeding me their delicious food. Anyway, finally I found everything and actually found a very good Chinese supermarket, must go back there.

Then I met my Portuguese friend and we went to a flea market. On the way we passed a demonstration of some party but of course I forgot which one it was. I kind of participated (by crossing it and going shopping...hmmm. Keeping the economy running here). Some people who were filming it for some news or something said that some people went to the hairdressers before in case they would end up in the news. sweet.

The flea market was very nice, hot but nice, it was around 30 degrees here today. They were people selling their old stuff, but a lot od small designer shops also selling their products. I could have bought a lot, but since I'm a generous person and I only think of other people, I only bought one thing for my sister. Elli, here it is (Ulla, next time something for you):

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