tiistai 25. lokakuuta 2011


Today I went to Guimaraes with a friend, our classmate works there so we got a ride in the morning, which was great. The city is about one hour drive from Porto. It was a bit bad planning from us to go there on a Monday, because all the museums were closed. We managed to see the castle though, which was nice. So with not much to do, we were walking around the beautiful city centre a lot. And naturally, we ate a lot. We were a bit late for lunch though, so almost all the restaurants were already closed. After a crazy amount of walking we finally found a place, just in time before I turned into a witch (which happens when I don't get food on time, as some of you might know :S)

Guimaraes is actually going to be the culture capital of Europe next year with Maribor, Slovenia. I don't recall Maribor being a particularly beautiful city, I guess I was "studying" there so hard that I didn't have time to explore the city. Well Guimaraes is beautiful, and it will be even more beautiful once they finish all the construction works they are doing, have to say that they'll have a VERY busy end of the year, it looked a bit incomplete.

In the afternoon we took the train back to Porto, and I went straight to my language course. And for the first time, I was completely lost there, they should not be teaching me grammar at 10pm. We were learning possessive pronouns and they were just too many. I'm starting to think that the Finnish language is easy, I love that the words don't have genders, they just make EVERYTHING very complicated.

Oh, and the fall is officially here. I was freezing in the metro today, and then I got very sad thinking that it won't be any warmer inside once I get home. I can handle the cold temperature outside, but I just hate it when it's cold inside as well. Now I'm wearing my woollen socks and I'm hiding under two covers, good night!

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